At UG Healthcare, our sustainability focus is to make a positive difference and progress together with our prioritised stakeholders – customers, employees, business partners, and the communities where we operate. We believe our sustainability approach that embraces the EESG aspects including labour practices and societal responsibilities is a holistic approach of inclusivity, which forms the cornerstone of our organisation culture.

The Board and management through this sustainability approach cultivates sustainable values throughout the organisation and pass them on to our external stakeholders. We believe that managing the EESG impacts from within will manage the risks and opportunities present in our business, and correspondingly, generate stable and sustainable value for our stakeholders.

The Group has in place a Sustainability Committee (“SC”) comprising key management executives who oversee the various departments in the organisation and is overseen by the Chief Executive Officer of the Group, who in turn, reports to the Board for advice and guidance. Sustainability concerns with respect to the risks and opportunities of the Group will be brought to attention of the SC. The SC will then conduct an assessment on the sustainability concerns before raising its findings to the Board. The Board maintains efficient oversight over the SC by reviewing and considering the relevance and adequate practices in place to address potential sustainability issues. The Board will also incorporate these findings when formulating strategies and policies to better manage the potential sustainability risks and opportunities that may be encountered by the Group. This process helps to ensure all EESG and climate-related matters significant to the business are considered and adequately addressed.

The Board will review and deliberate on the sustainability issues, while the SC has the responsibility to ensure that the EESG factors and climate-related matters are monitored on an ongoing basis and appropriately managed. The SC is responsible for reviewing the Group’s sustainability performance and material topics, analysing climate-related risks and opportunities, addressing stakeholder concerns, setting of targets and goals for material factors, and establishing systems to collect, verify, monitor, and report information required for sustainability reporting. The SC meets at least once a year to discuss, propose, coordinate, and promote the Group’s sustainability practices.

In FY23, we have formalised the Sustainability Reporting Policy to reinforce our commitment to address sustainability of our Group, and this policy serves as a reference on the conduct of our sustainability reporting. The Board has also kept themselves abreast of rising concerns about sustainability and climate-related topics through continuous training and education. The Group’s sustainability governance structure is set out as follows:

We believe that managing the EESG impacts from within will manage the risks and opportunities present in our business, and correspondingly, generate sustainable value for our stakeholders.

Please refer to the Sustainability Report in the Company’s latest annual report for more details.